Monday, March 14, 2005

Sharon, Volunteer, India

Sharon currently works with Frontier Services as Northern Regional Manager of UCA Frontier Services (the organisation that was founded by Rev John Flynn of the Australian Inland Mission in 1912 for care of outback communities). For over a decade she has made an outstanding contribution to the development of services for the frail and aged and to training those who provide that care in the remotest region of the continent. She has developed partnerships with indigenous communities, developed training programs that can be delivered to remote communities, and developed innovative programs that allow elderly people to remain at home even in very remote communities. Today she was presented with the prestigious Louis Ariotti Award for her role in developing aged care services in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley region. The award recognises innovation and excellence in rural and remote health in areas such as research, policy, leadership and service development.
'We have a great example to follow in our founder, John Flynn', said Sharon. 'He was not one to take no for an answer when it came to the health and welfare of people in the bush. I hope I have been able to demonstrate some small measure of his passion in developing care services for the elderly in the Territory'.
Sharon is taking long service leave later in 2005 and will take up a volunteer placement in South India, where she will focus on aged care services in the Diocese of Madras.
Congratulations, Sharon!