Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Paintings - PIM pre-service training

Geoff Boyce introduced the idea of painting as an opportunity for meditation and reflection, and invited participants to use the medium of painting as a form of 'journalling', to reflect on sessions and new learnings during the pre-service training. Of course, this was daunting for some participants but all joined in the spirit of the activity. Geoff painting a single multi-coloured line through all ten canvasses, to indicate connectedness as well as the concept of journey. On Wednesday afternoon, the participants shared both the process and the final result to the group. It was remarkable to see the diversity, and yet inter-connected themes. Each person has taken their canvas home, carrying part of the journey with them, yet recalling that the individual canvas belongs to the much larger journey of the group.

For information about the People in Mission program, Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator, Ph 02 8267 4230,