Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fiona & Heather (SA) in Mwandi - new website!

More exciting news for the OVC Project – we have a web site
Thank you so much to friends who have set this wonderful website up for the project.

Comments from Heather about the importance of the Mwandi UCZ OVC Project:

“A child writes about how excited he is to go school and study his subjects; a 13 year old girl experiences joy as she plays with a doll for the first time in her life; a little boy runs around with loads of energy playing ball and having fun when 3 months ago he was barely able to walk due to lack of food, an orphan feels part of the OVC family, it gives her the feeling that she matters to someone. These are the significant things that make the Mwandi UZC OVC Project important to Mwandi. The Project provides hope and promise to those in most need in the Village. It provides a safe and secure environment where children can come and just be children, away from the pressures of daily life (that often include caring for younger siblings, looking after the family herd of cows, working to provide an income for the household). It provides an education for those who may never have had the opportunity if it wasn't for the Project. It provides spiritual and emotional support for those who have had too many losses in their lives. You only have to look into happy smiling faces of the children on the programme and the students who are studying towards a better future to know what the Project's importance to Mwandi Village is.”