Philippines reflections - memorable highlights

(on left: mining activity in North Luzon, often carried out to the detriment of locals who work the land for agriculture)
Participants on the recent Philippines Short Term Exposure Trip spent time considering their most memorable highlights. Here are some of them:
· Hope and happiness for the future that is displayed so openly
· People’s fight for justice, despite situations
· Fun and down times had as a group with local people/churches
· Building up relationships inside and outside of the group
· “We Shall Overcome” sang in Palawan following the discussion on Pastor Raul Domingo’s death
· New Years’ Eve celebrations: those who didn’t know us at all welcomed us into their homes and treated us like family
· Visiting family home in Baguio who were mining victims/protestors
· Empowered voices we have heard
· Talking about issues, even when at the risk of persecution etc.
· How much faith Filipino people have in God
· Youth in Palawan – so open and inviting us to their Church and lives. Still advocating for their lives and rights despite death of Ptr. Raul
· Wonderful welcome and strength of character
· Knowledge and strength of Filipino people
· Incredible signs of hope
. Political awareness of everyone, but particularly the young people
· Strength and willingness of UCCP people – to maintain human dignity and their commitment to standing up for the Gospel
· Several speakers and their experiences have give so much wisdom and insight, which allows us to go home with eyes open much wider, and will hopefully lead to more fruitful action etc. at home
· Love that Filipinos have for everything – families, friends, the things they do have. Can still smile and “beam” with love
· Kaleidoscope of all the different cultural influences that make up the Philippines
If you want to find out more about Short Term Exposure Trips, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator,, Ph 02 8267 4230.
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