Lu (NSW) in PNG

Lu (NSW) is serving as a volunteer in Salamo. She writes:
Dear friends,
We are expecting 3 volunteers later this year. The first will be Ben in July, who will assess the 12 Health Centres and 8 Aid Posts that come under the United Church management, prioritizing maintenance work that will be undertaken. He will also draw up plans for the next stage in the development of the Community Health Workers' Training School. Another aspect of Ben's work will be solar assesssment especially for labour wards (at some locations a hurricane lamp is still used for deliveries). In August, Richard, a semi-retired electrician will arrive to address current problems and advise us on long term planning which will encompass sustainable energy options. Both Ben and Richard are under the VIDA scheme for mature age volunteers, and they will stay till the end of the year. James is the 3rd volunteer. He is a young builder and is coming under the Australian Youth Ambassadors scheme. He will arrive in September. His first job will be to oversee the building of a lecture block and library at the Pastor's College at Bwaruada, Normandy Island. A number of men will be coming for a few weeks from Uniting Church congregations in SA to assist James. Next year, James will travel around to the various Health Centres and Aid Posts, and will carry out planned maintenance work assisted by local builders. A local man will work with James to do the necessary installation for solar power when the other maintenace work is being done.
At the same time we are continuing with the development of the Community Health Workers' Training School. We have built an ablution block (designed by Ben) with four showers and four toilets (Asian pan style to avoid maintenance problems) for the female students. I now know about plates, noggins, studs, plinths and hobs - don't you? We have a total now of 34 students and will eventually reach 50. They must have at least graduated from Year 10 to enter, and after two years of training will staff the Health Centres and Aid Posts. They are the foundation of rural health and are wonderful young people giving their lives in service to others.
For information about the People in Mission program, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator, Ph 02 8267 4230,
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