The Short Term Exposure Trip (STET) to India in late 2006 included an opportunity for participants to experience a short term volunteer placement. Jen (SA) is a nurse by vocation, and chose to spend time at Ikkadu in the hospital for a few days. While very different to her work in Australia, she greatly enjoyed the experience. She even wore the white nurses sari - beautiful! Jen is pictured here with Sandy Boyce (People in Mission Coordinator) and Dr Cornelius, Honorary Director, Ecumenical Relations, Diocese of Madras.
For more information about STET's, work parties and volunteer placements, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator, kathyp@nat.uca.org.au, Ph 02 8267 4230.Note: Sandy has concluded her role as PIM Coordinator and is now working as the National Faith Development Consultant in the Uniting Church (senior youth and young adults), http://www.nyyam.org
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