Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Greg (NSW) - reflections on trip to Rarongo, PNG

A work party to Rarongo Theological College in 2005 completed a great deal of practical work. Greg joined John C, John and Rae for an 'advance party' to assess priorities and plan logistics for the 2007 work party. Greg writes:
'I did not know what to expect on my first visit to PNG. I had heard from members of last year's work party that their visit was fantastic, but you never know until you go! Upon arrival in New Britain, it did not matter where we went or what we were doing, we would always feel at home. The welcome at Rarongo was very special. Firstly, it was great catching up with Cliff and Marion (from NSW, serving as PIM volunteers at Rarongo) and seeing first hand how their time at Rarongo has touched many lives. Their input and dedication to the college will remain a precious legacy for a long time to come.
The greetings and pure joy shown by all the children and adults of the Rarongo community was fantastic. The bond that developed with the students, staff and their families in such a short time period was amazing. These are special memories that will never be forgotten.
In all the meetings held with the various representative committees and senior United Church representatives, the enthusiasm shown for the proposed work program was extraordinary. They are genuinely enthused and appreciative that another work party is being organised for next year.
We have now surveyed the relevant areas of the Rarongo site and visited the various building suppliers in Rabaul and Kokopo. There is a significant amount of work needed at Rarongo, especially with the electricity and sewer infrastructure along with accommodation and other facility upgrades.
The trip has now enabled the scope for the next work party at Rarongo to take final shape, and with the financial and prayerful support of the Uniting Church community in Australia, this work party will be able to make a big contribution to the continuing work of the United Church in Papua New Guinea.