Sharyn and Alan (NSW)

Sharyn and Alan (NSW) will be teaching at Piula Theological College. Students are given opportunity to develop their spiritual, academic, and physical skills through the various college community activities. Upon graduation from the college, men and women are equipped to take up roles of active service within the churches in Samoa and amongst Samoan communities overseas.
While classroom lectures are delivered both in English and Samoan, all written assignments, research papers, theses and exams are done in English only. Students are also encouraged to appreciate the excellence of their own Samoan culture and to take part in a proper manner in Samoan custom and society.
Alan will teach Christian Moral Formation in the Changing Society which has three main themes: Social Ethics, Social Issues and Global Systems (Capitalism, Communism, etc Economic Exploitation). Sharyn will teach Study and Library Skills, which aims to equip students with appropriate library and writing skills.
(for information about People in Mission, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator,, Ph 02 8267 4230)
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