People in Mission training - visuals

Participants in the People in Mission pre-service training share in many practical sessions. One of the creative avenues explored is the opportunity to paint - basically to use it as a process to 'mull over' issues, feelings, responses to sessions, etc. Geoff Boyce, chaplain at Flinders University and an occasional painter himself, introduces this session, laying out the canvases side by side and painting a multi-coloured line along the length. Each person then takes one section of the line (a canvas), knowing that it is both individual and communal, linked together. The participants use time during the training weeks to paint, and share what they have done in one of the final sessions. The paintings are always interesting, especially when they are all laid side by side to re-connect the multi-coloured line.
For more information about People in Mission, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator,, Ph 02 8267 4230
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