Val's in Thailand (WA)

Val (WA) has recently arrived in Thailand. She writes:
Two years ago, I went as a Volunteer in Mission to Malaysia for seven months. In August I'll set off on another adventure, this time in Bangkok, Thailand, and for just 11 weeks. I'm going to teach English as part of an outreach program of the new Sai Mai Zion Church, with our partner church, the Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT). I am really excited. Some 36 years ago I went to Chiang Mai in Thailand and worked as a nurse with the Leprosy Mission for 13 years. This trip feels a bit like going home. Even though I spent so long in Thailand, I ahve forgotten most of the language and so part of my preparation has been to do some brushing up.
Volunteers in Mission are expected to help with the work of the church whenever possible. I am a Uniting Church Minister so, apart from teaching English every evening, I expect I will preach the occasional sermon - with translation! Past volunteers have also taught two mornings a week at the local government school, so maybe I will end up doing this too. I am finding the thought of classroom teaching a bit scary. For the past six years I have been home tutoring refugees. I ahve also done a 'Teaching English as a Foreign Language' course over the internet. Although the content was good, I didn't get the classroom experience I would have had if I'd studied on campus. I go confident that the God who guided my path to Bangkok will not desert me!
First published by WA Synod August 2006
(for information about People in Mission, contact Kathy Periera, People in Mission Coordinator, 02 8267 4230,
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